Impact Of Hearing Loss On Family Members

Impact Of Hearing Loss On Family Members – In honor of National Grandparents Day on Sept. 10, hearing implant manufacturer MED-EL USA released new survey results that indicate growing acceptance of conversations about hearing loss, the company announced. The survey also found that family members and important life events would play a key role in motivating people with hearing loss or hearing difficulty to get their hearing checked. MED-EL Medical Electronics is an Austrian-based company that develops hearing solutions such as cochlear and middle ear implant systems.

The new survey found that nearly half of Americans, 46%, know someone with hearing loss or difficulty hearing, and 64% have had a conversation with that person about it. Additionally, 83% of adults said they would feel comfortable talking to someone they knew if they thought they might be experiencing hearing loss or difficulty hearing, indicating a potential shift in overcoming the stigma that has traditionally surrounded hearing loss.

Impact Of Hearing Loss On Family Members

Compared to one in five adults (22%) who said they would be offended if someone they met approached them because they thought they were experiencing hearing loss or difficulty hearing, the vast majority – 78% – disagreed with this statement , according to MED. – HE.

Hearing Loss And Anxiety: Why It Happens And How To Cope

Family members would play an important role in motivating people with hearing loss or difficulty to seek an evaluation, especially among older adults: 79% of adults 65 and older said that if a family member or loved one directed them to check their hearing. because they were experiencing hearing loss or difficulty hearing would motivate them to do so.

“The reality is that while some people may have a hard time admitting that they have a hard time listening, most people around them notice that communication is becoming more difficult,” said Barbara Weinstein, PhD, professor and founding executive director of the Doctor of Science. Audiology Program at the City University of New York Graduate Center. “The first conversations about hearing loss are often with family members, especially for older adults. It’s important to keep those lines of communication open.”

Additionally, 66% of Americans said that a major life event (eg, marriage, birth of a child/grandchild, health scare) would motivate them to get their hearing checked if they were experiencing hearing loss or difficulty hearing.

This was the case for Sherri Ely, who participated in the clinical trials of MED-EL’s SYNCHRONY EAS hearing implant system.

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“Learning I was going to be a grandmother was a turning point for me in my hearing loss journey,” Ely said. “My hearing loss cost me my career and my relationships. The thought of my grandson not being able to hear motivated me to find a solution to my hearing loss,” he said.

In addition to changing attitudes, hearing implant technology has evolved, especially for older adults experiencing severe hearing loss, MED-EL said. Earlier this year, MED-EL USA launched EAS, which combines acoustic hearing with electrical stimulation from a cochlear implant. Older adults reportedly represent one of the fastest growing population segments who are candidates for cochlear implant surgery when hearing loss progresses beyond the point of assistance from a hearing aid.

Ely sought out the EAS clinical trial and was one of the first people in the US to do so.

“Six months after my implant, my first grandchild was born. Hearing her voice for the first time was amazing. Being able to talk to her and build this relationship was a truly joyful experience,” he said.

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This survey was conducted online in the United States by Harris Poll on behalf of MED-EL USA from June 28-30, 2017 among 2,264 U.S. adults 18 or older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact[email protected].

2. Lin FR, Chien WW, Li L, Clarrett DM, Niparko JK, Francis HW. Cochlear implantation in older adults. These products and services have been independently reviewed by a third party and may earn a commission on qualified purchases made through the included links. , however, does not receive a commission for purchases. If you find these resources helpful, please consider donating to .

Why does hearing loss cause you anxiety? Anxiety Can Affect Hearing Hearing Loss Creates Anxiety Common Sources of Anxiety Hearing Loss Other Anxiety Considerations Physical Signs of Anxiety Coping with Anxiety Tools and Support Supporting a Loved One

Discover the connection between hearing loss and anxiety and learn practical strategies for coping and supporting your loved ones during their journey.

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Whether you’ve just been diagnosed or have lived with it for a while, hearing loss can cause or worsen anxiety and other mental health symptoms. As you can probably imagine, feelings of worry and discomfort surrounding uncertain outcomes related to hearing loss can permeate all areas of life: social, professional, physical, financial, and emotional.

With this in mind, our review team set out to understand the connection between hearing loss and anxiety by diving into research on the topic and interviewing real people who have experienced anxiety due to their hearing loss.

Hearing loss can make communication and social interactions more challenging, which can affect your overall well-being. Difficulty understanding conversations, feelings of isolation, worry about missing out on important information, and constant strain to compensate for hearing loss can all contribute to increased anxiety levels.

Something Unknown or Overlooked Phenomenon: Anxiety can affect your ability to listen. [1] Folk, Jim. Reduced hearing, deafness, decreased hearing – Symptoms of anxiety. May 19, 2021. Available online at This can happen in a number of ways:

Pdf) Vocal Turn Taking In Families With Children With And Without Hearing Loss

Just as anxiety can affect hearing, hearing loss and conditions such as tinnitus can be significant sources of anxiety. A review of studies involving more than 17,000 people with hearing loss found that the prevalence of anxiety was higher among the hearing impaired than in the general population, and that the severity of impairment correlated with the severity of anxiety. [8] Shoham, Natalie, et al. Prevalence of anxiety disorders and symptoms in people with hearing impairment: a systematic review. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 13 Dec. 2018. Available online at

Certain anxiety-provoking thoughts are common for those experiencing hearing loss. [17] Eberts, Shari. 6 things that scare me the most about my hearing loss. Living with hearing loss. 24 Oct 2017. Found online at They may include:

In addition to hearing loss, it is important to recognize how anxiety can be influenced by other factors. Considering the complex interplay of several factors can help people with hearing loss and their loved ones understand and address anxiety more fully:

Feeling anxious about these conditions is completely normal and quite common. The impact of hearing loss and related conditions on mental health, including anxiety, is well documented.

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It is important to emphasize that anxiety can occur at all levels of hearing loss, from mild to severe. Even those with mild hearing loss or tinnitus can experience anxiety due to the challenges and adjustments they must make in their daily lives.

Anxiety can manifest itself in different ways from person to person. Here are some common signs and symptoms of anxiety and the potential impact on other mental health issues: [24]Rooyakkers, Molly. Generalized anxiety disorder. Seattle Anxiety Specialists. It is found on the Internet at

Susan Drumm, licensed therapist and owner of Peak Counseling Solutions in Denver, Colorado, told us, “The first step in addressing anxiety is awareness, and then understanding how anxiety works.” Taking control of the source of your anxiety is an important step in addressing it, even though it may feel uncomfortable to ask for help or accommodation. The relationship between hearing loss and anxiety is much better understood now than in the past, and many support resources are now available.

Remember that everyone’s journey with anxiety and hearing loss is unique, and it’s important to find the strategies and resources that work best for you. Generally, a combination of these tools can help manage anxiety and promote overall well-being.

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Research from 2017 shows that hearing aid users were 15% less likely to experience anxiety than hearing impaired people who did not use hearing aids. [29] Ayonayon, Hilsa, et al. Association of Hearing Impairments and Anxiety in Older Adults. Journal of Aging Health. February 2017. Available online at Although the study authors were careful to point out that this is not statistically significant due to the limitations of their study.

Supporting a loved one who is experiencing anxiety due to hearing loss requires empathy, understanding and effective communication. Here are four helpful strategies to support someone with anxiety related to hearing loss: [30]Clason, Debbie. How to support someone with hearing loss. Healthy hearing. 29 Mar. 2023. Found online at

Remember, supporting someone with anxiety related to hearing loss requires patience and understanding. Encourage open and honest communication, validate their experiences, and be a trusted ally as they navigate their journey. How to support someone with hearing loss A support association makes a big difference in the lives of people with hearing loss

If your spouse, friend or co-worker has hearing loss, there are many ways to help them cope and thrive. Here’s how to provide support to someone with hearing loss:

Auditory Training For Hearing Loss

It is well known, and perhaps you have experienced it

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